Bowtique London
They started in 2007 as a small family run retail business called Bitz Of Glitz, selling stylish and affordable hair accessories for children in a small high street store in North London. The business grew and so, unhappy with the selection we were being offered, we decided to design, source and produce our own bespoke products. Concentrating more on current fashion trends and keeping a close eye on the catwalks and an even closer ear on our customers!
Their bespoke lines were so successful that they found themselves being asked to sell the products to other retailers and before we knew it, we needed to expand again. So in 2014 they launched Bowtique London to provide wholesale bows in high quality grosgrain and satin ribbon in a myriad of colours. Later that year they launched our unique Beanie Bobbles range featuring a real fur bobble. They now supply over 100 retailers in the UK and as far afield as Japan. They offer an excellent bespoke choice and a huge range of colours and designs.They also believe they offer excellent prices in a very competitive market. They still keep it in the family and enjoy a close and personal relationship with all their customersWe can take personal orders for hats, so please contact us to make any orders